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In all types of Mediation, Pascha acts as a neutral, assisting both parties in resolving matters respectfully and out of court. You will have control over the process and the result.  In a Tradtional Mediation process, the meetings comprise of Pascha and both parites, either via Zoom or in person. Pascha will guide and educate both parties and she will manage the court case for you, if needed. Pascha and her staff will also assist with filing your court documents and insure that you successfully complete your mandatory financial disclosures, if required in your case.  Pascha will also assist you in negotiating a mutually acceptable Settlement Agreement can be made into a fully enforceable legal document. In sum, if you follow her mediation roadmap, Pascha will take you from beginning to the end, without ever having to step into a courtroom.

Pascha also highly recommends "Team Mediation" for more financially complex cases, as well as those cases where there are emotionally charged issues such trust, anger, betrayal, fear, and/or complicated issues regarding the children. Some people believe that high-conflict or complex cases aren't appropriate for mediation.  With the extra support provided in Team Mediation, they absolutely can be! In the team mediation approach, Pascha acts in her same capacity as your neutral attorney-mediator. In addition, Pascha enlists the assistance of a trained mental health professional who can support you throughout the emotional aspects of the process, as well as help with issues relating to the children, where needed.  Pascha very often also enlists a neutral financial professional to provide financial analyses and guidance in appropriate cases.  All of the professionals work as a team to get you through the process efficiently and cost-effectively. 

Pascha is now offering "Resort Mediation" and all-day or all-weekend mediation for couples who are motivated to get their divorce done more efficiently in all-day sessions.  The goal is to find accommodations (typically offsite at a tranquil location) where Pascha can meet with the parties, individually and together, in all day and evening mediation sessions.  A roadmap woud be created in advance and then the day(s) would be broken up into sessions with breaks in between to allow for yoga, exercise, meals, etc.  The duration of the process could span from morning until night and all weekend.  Other professionals can also be invited to part of the sessions to assist with financial or mental heath coaching.  If you are interested in this option, talk to Pascha.  This is a way to get through a painful process, more quickly and in a lovely environment.

In all cases, Pascha brings her own extensive mediation experience, allowing you to keep your most personal family law matters private and out of court.  

Traditional Mediation, Team Mediation and Resort Mediation are all typically the most affordable way to resolve family law matters. Pascha's Mediation process can be used in divorce, legal separation, custody matters, child support, spousal support, division of property, pre-marital agreements, post-marital agreements, cohabitation agreements, domestic partnership agreements, and any other matters involving children and families.


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  • Privacy. You never need to appear in a courtroom. The details of your private and often difficult emotional situation are not aired in a public courtroom.  Financial and asset details remain confidential.

  • Cost effective. Mediation is typically the most cost effective option as both parties share in the expenses and you are only paying one legal professional, rather than each party hiring individual attorneys.

  • Shared neutral support. Unlike collaboration, which is another excellent out-of-court option, the parties share a neutral mediator who will facilitate and support communication while focusing on the best interests of all involved.  Additionally, other professionals (as appropriate and requested) are available to support you and your children.

  • Children first. Help in designing a parenting plan tailored to the needs and interests of your minor children. Depending on their age, your children’s perspective will also be listened to in mediation. Children’s safety, security and well-being, post-divorce are of paramount concern in mediation.    

  • Promotes creativity and cooperation. In the traditional litigation process, a judge is bound only by California law.  Mediation allows the flexibility and creativity to come up with mutually acceptable solutions that benefit you and your children. You are in charge.

  • Honesty and integrity. Key principals of mediation include honesty and integrity. Both parties must be forthcoming and operate in good faith.  Even if you don’t entirely trust your spouse or partner, we will ensure everyone is acting with the highest good faith.

  • You are in control of the process. Rather than allowing the court system to dictate the pace and outcome of the process, you and your family are in charge.

  • Full disclosure of facts and information. Both spouses/partners are required to meet the minimum disclosure requirements of the State of California. In mediation we can also mutually agree to  go beyond the minimum disclosure requirements and obtain appraisals, accountings, tracings, and any other information or inquiries that either party need in order to make informed legal agreements. 

“Before participating in mediation with Pascha, I did not have a true understanding of how the practice worked. Now, after working with Pascha, I believe I had the good fortune to experience mediation with an expert practitioner whose primary objective was to achieve resolution with integrity and respect. Divorce was the hardest experience of my life; Pascha's expertise made the process the best it could be.  I am forever grateful to her”

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